Television Feasts

I am a home cook who backyard gardens and has a serious closet addiction to the Food Network. I envision visiting the world in my own kitchen.

From Julia to Giada, I am a bi-product of the quirky world of anything food television. At age 10 I wanted to lunch with Julia; at 12 I thought sitting at Graham Kerr's table would be bliss; in college I was a diligent voyeur student of Jeff Smith's; and as a newlywed I envisioned myself being Martha. Then the sky opened up and violin music played in the background when I discovered an entire family of food shows on the blossoming food network. Twenty years later I am still a home chef with a backyard garden, yet in my head I am a trained chef who has eaten her way around the world, tasted all things exotic, competed in many challenges, judged the best of the best, and have a circle of friends which includes Emeril, Bobby, Rachael and more. I like to learn and challenge myself simply for the pleasure of all things food. I am a student of the University of Food Network and my textbooks, exams and extra-curricular activities all stem from channel 39.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Diner Food

Now you need to remember this is my day after Thanksgiving due to having dinner on Sunday.  I sent the kids both home with enough leftovers for another dinner; so, I didn't have much leftover for us.  I did not want to spend much time in the kitchen after my marathon weekend.  I chose this simple diner dish for several reasons: 1. I did not have a lot of turkey left over.  2. It is really quick.  3. Thanks giving (because of stuffing) is about the only time we eat cheap white bread (which brings back tons of childhood memories-yup, you are all remembering pb and j's flattened in your school lunch box; my mum was a master at folding wax paper around the sandwich before saran wrap was popular!) from the grocery store so I saved a few slices.  4. It is a true remembrance for any of us that attended the Cathedral School.  This creamed turkey over a biscuit was the holiday dinner in grade school; along with a square of vanilla ice cream that had an orange turkey sugar decoration on top.  So I simply combined leftovers, memories and speed for a tasty, yet not quite so good for you, 'Day after Thanksgiving' meal.  Seriously try it, you will love it.

Creamed Turkey Sandwich
really not a recipe!

Leftover turkey, chopped in small pieces
Leftover gravy to coat
If you are not lucky enough to have enough gravy, you will need some turkey or chicken stock and a little cornstarch
White bread, only.  Do not bother if your using healthy bread, it loses it's diner appeal.

In a saucepan combine the turkey, gravy and stock.  Bring to a boil. 

Mix about a Tablespoon of cornstarch with a cup of warm water (foodies call this a slurry).  Slowly add to the pot stirring continuously.
Turn down heat to a simmer.  Cook for 5 minutes to cook off the cornstarch.
Serve layered with white bread and any other leftovers.

ENJOY!  No guilt.  It is a holiday.  You know you will bend the rules a little, so don't fret over it.  You have to wait another year for the perfectly sliced, not quite sure what's in it to keep it fresh, white bread, so eat it and move on.

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