Television Feasts

I am a home cook who backyard gardens and has a serious closet addiction to the Food Network. I envision visiting the world in my own kitchen.

From Julia to Giada, I am a bi-product of the quirky world of anything food television. At age 10 I wanted to lunch with Julia; at 12 I thought sitting at Graham Kerr's table would be bliss; in college I was a diligent voyeur student of Jeff Smith's; and as a newlywed I envisioned myself being Martha. Then the sky opened up and violin music played in the background when I discovered an entire family of food shows on the blossoming food network. Twenty years later I am still a home chef with a backyard garden, yet in my head I am a trained chef who has eaten her way around the world, tasted all things exotic, competed in many challenges, judged the best of the best, and have a circle of friends which includes Emeril, Bobby, Rachael and more. I like to learn and challenge myself simply for the pleasure of all things food. I am a student of the University of Food Network and my textbooks, exams and extra-curricular activities all stem from channel 39.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Quick Chicken and Noodle Soup

"Beautiful soup, so rich and green
Waiting in a hot tureen!
Who for such dainties would not stoop?
Soup of the evening, beautiful soup!
Beautiful soup! Who cares for fish
Game, or any other dish?
Who would not give all else for two
Pennyworth of beautiful soup?"
~~~Lewis Carroll, Alice In Wonderland

My sentiments exactly! I was ready for a little comfort food and decided on soup rather than a heavier meal.  What makes anyone feel better?  Yup, good ol' chicken soup.  I had some stock in the freezer so I was good to go with ingredients I had on hand.  Earlier in the year I made Paula Dean's Italian Chicken Soup, so today I chose a Rachel Ray selection.  This is easy and inexpensive.  I encourage you to use the parsnip, as they have a nice sharp, bite to their taste.  It makes the soup less wimpy.  I was not sure about the fresh dill, but after tasting it I think it is a perfect addition!  The only thing I added was a rind from some good Parmigiano Reggiano.  I keep the leftover cheese rinds in the freezer and when I make sauce or soup, I toss one in for some extra flavor.

Quick Chicken and Noodle Soup
printable recipe

2 T. olive oil
2 medium carrots, peeled and chopped
1 parsnip, peeled and chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
2 ribs of celery, chopped
2 bay leaves
salt & pepper
6-8 c. chicken stock
1 lb. chicken breast, diced
8 oz. egg noodles
A handful fresh parsley, chopped
A handful fresh dill, chopped
Place a large pot over medium high heat and add the olive oil.  Add the vegetables and saute for a few minutes until they begin to brown.
Add the bay leaves and season with salt and pepper.

Add the stock and bring to a boil.  Add the chicken.  Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 15 minutes.

Add the noodles and cook for an additional 10 minutes.
Remove the bay leaves and add the dill and parsley.  Give it a few stirs and serve.

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