Television Feasts

I am a home cook who backyard gardens and has a serious closet addiction to the Food Network. I envision visiting the world in my own kitchen.

From Julia to Giada, I am a bi-product of the quirky world of anything food television. At age 10 I wanted to lunch with Julia; at 12 I thought sitting at Graham Kerr's table would be bliss; in college I was a diligent voyeur student of Jeff Smith's; and as a newlywed I envisioned myself being Martha. Then the sky opened up and violin music played in the background when I discovered an entire family of food shows on the blossoming food network. Twenty years later I am still a home chef with a backyard garden, yet in my head I am a trained chef who has eaten her way around the world, tasted all things exotic, competed in many challenges, judged the best of the best, and have a circle of friends which includes Emeril, Bobby, Rachael and more. I like to learn and challenge myself simply for the pleasure of all things food. I am a student of the University of Food Network and my textbooks, exams and extra-curricular activities all stem from channel 39.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Zucchini Salad

It is day 200!  My challenge of a new recipe everyday for a year is still rolling along.  I have only missed 3 actually days of cooking and I have published 204 recipes!  Today's salad is one of the most unusual uses of zucchini I have ever tried.  It is really refreshing and made a great side with a spicy chicken dish.  The zucchini is highlighted, not hidden or lost among a ton of ingredients. I used a mandolin to julienne the zucchini. Not only was this an attractive side, it was crunchy and tasty.  It looks so gourmet and it is only a few ingredients.  You will impress your family and guests with this. Besides having it fried, baked in a bread or doused in tomato sauce you can give a little flair to the lowly zucchini!

Zucchini Salad
printable recipe

8 c. zucchini, cut in julienne strips (only the flesh, using the seed core creates too much liquid)
1-2 tsp. kosher salt
6 scallions, sliced
1/4 c. chopped fresh parsley
2 T. chopped fresh mint
2 tsp. chopped fresh oregano
zest of 1 lemon
1/4 c. olive oil
3 T. fresh lemon juice
black pepper
shaved Parmesan Reggiano

Place the zucchini in a colander.  Sprinkle with the salt and toss gently.  Allow to drain for 30 minutes. Use a salad spinner or wrap in paper towels to dry off as much of the leeched moisture.

In a medium bowl, add zucchini, scallions, parsley, mint, oregano and lemon zest.

In a small bowl, whisk the oil and lemon juice.  Add pepper to taste.

Pour dressing over the salad and toss to coat.  Top with shaved cheese.  Serve immediately.

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